Families who wish their sons to be enrolled at CBHS Lewisham are asked to read and agree with the CBHS Lewisham Student Code of Conduct.
Respect for Myself
As a CBHS Lewisham student. I will strive to ensure I have Respect for Myself by always:
• Doing my best in all my classes
• Doing my best in all sport and extra-curricular areas
• Taking pride in my effort and achievements
• Taking pride in what I do and what I say
Respect for Others
As a CBHS Lewisham student, I will strive to ensure I have Respect for Others by always:
• Being respectful to every staff member
• Being respectful to every student
• Being respectful to all other members of the school community and members of the public
• Being inclusive and never discriminating against anyone because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality, financial status or varying abilities
Respect for my School
As a CBHS Lewisham student, I will strive to ensure that I have Respect for my School by always:
• Being grateful for the excellent environment and resources I have access to and to treat them with care and respect
• Taking care when using school resources
• Wearing the school uniform with pride and ensuring my personal appearance and grooming are of a high standard
• Acting in an appropriate manner on my way to and from school
• Ensuring my actions at all times contribute to the positive reputation of the school
We acknowledgewe have read and understand the Christian Brothers’ Lewisham Privacy Statement.
We accept and will make full payment of the non-refundable Acceptance Fee and thence full payment of the Tuition Fees each year.
We have read and agree with the above expectations.