Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program

Budjari Gamarruwa or ‘Good Day’ in the local language of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

CBHS Lewisham is a school founded on the principles Liberating Education, Gospel Spirituality, Inclusive Community, Justice and Solidarity, in line with these values we are committed to our Reconciliation Action Plan. This plan is centred around the pillars of Relationships, Respect and Opportunities in the classroom, around the school and in the wider community.

For over 10 years our flagship Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program has provided students with an education that authentically aims to engage students, improve student attendance and close the education gaps that exist. Led by proud Kunjen and Yorta Yorta man and CBHS Old Boy Mr Blake Griffith, the program offers our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students opportunities to connect to Country, share and celebrate Culture and significant events, whilst also facilitating the education of our entire school community.  It is our hope that this program provides opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, but also that the relationships made across the school community will address the cycles of inequality and cultural separation that exist in our nation.