- Highest ATAR 99.4
- NSW Top Achiever in Course
- 2 students All-Round Achievers
- 8 students with an ATAR above 95
- 22 students with an ATAR above 90
- 55% of results received a mark of 80+
- 82 Distinguished Achievements
- 90% of course results above the State Average
- 100% of students who studied a Dual Accreditation Pathway have secured an apprenticeship, further training or employment.

With a foundation of gospel values, we develop confident, well-rounded young men. Engaging educational and co-curricular programs inspire our boys to succeed, and prepare them well for the future.
Boys’ Education Specialists
CBHS Lewisham is the boys’ education specialist.
Outstanding academic results are just the beginning! With more than 130 years of producing exceptional young men, CBHS Lewisham integrates modern teaching methods and resources to equip boys with confidence in their abilities, skills to succeed and a strong moral compass to provide direction.
At CBHS our motto is Conanti Corona – A Crown to the One Who Strives. The ‘Crown’ can be achieved in many ways and in many experiences. Always supported by a caring and pastoral staff and an inclusive learning environment within academic, sporting and co-curricular offerings as well as in Immersions and Justice Programs.
James Threlkeld, former School Captain

Personalised Education
Large enough to provide a wide range of opportunities, but small enough that we know and support every boy.
With a focus on nurturing the emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual gifts of each boy, our Pastoral Care Program is tailored to your son’s unique needs. A wide range of sporting activities, arts and music courses, social justice programs and community activities allow each student to find and nurture his talents, interests and skills.