Pastoral Care
CBHS Lewisham is committed to create an environment in which the safety, wellbeing and participation of all students is paramount.
CBHS Lewisham students graduate with a sense of curiosity and the skills to make a positive difference in an ever-changing world. They develop relationships with their peers, the boys in their Houses, the teachers and with God in a collaborative and supportive environment that emphasise teamwork, communication, leadership skills and achievement.
The School endeavours to ensure that boys are well known and cared for through its structured administration. Over recent years, CBHS Lewisham has implemented a number of initiatives to meet specific student needs. In the senior years, boys have access to extensive careers facilities and resources. Students in Years 5-9 also enjoy opportunities for personal development through the School’s camp program. Students, staff and parents can also access the services of the School Counsellors.
Key Elements in our Pastoral Care Program
- Homeroom Teachers and Pastoral Care Coordinators (Years 7-12)
- Class teachers (Years 5 and 6)
- Counselling
- The Referral System
- Assistant Principal – Pastoral
- Sporting and Co-curricular programmes
- Camps, retreats and excursions
- House Masses
- Parent/Teacher nights
- Recognition and reward for achievement
- Prefects and Seniors as leaders
- House System with House Captains
- Digital Citizenship and ICT education
Every Student has the Right to Feel Safe
At CBHS Lewisham, we believe it is the right of every student to feel safe and to be treated with dignity and respect. We are all responsible for helping to create a safe, family environment in our school.
Bullying appears in many forms. Bullying can be fighting, excluding or hurting someone in a verbal or physical way. Bullying can happen in the classroom, on the playground, travelling to and from school, even online or using mobile phones and cameras.
Bullying is not acceptable at our School in any way, shape or form.
Restorative Practice
Traditional approaches to discipline often focus on what rules have been broken. At CBHS Lewisham, we give our boys clear expectations and boundaries. We ensure that the consequences of their actions (both positive and negative), are unambiguous and identifiable. What underpins our approach to pastoral care, however, is the formation of right relationships. Restorative practices focus on repairing the harm done to people and relationships rather than on punishing offenders. The process involves all parties affected and all have a say. Its focus is on community, relationships and healing.
Look after the whole child. Mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. That’s the key to developing a strong man.