Aquinas Selective Classes for Students with High Potential
CBHS Lewisham has a proud history of academic excellence for over 130 years. Our newly established Aquinas Selective Classes enable us to identify and nurture high-performing students from Year 5 through to their HSC in Year 12.
Much like the Opportunity Class and Selective High School tests all students who commence at CBHS Lewisham in Years 5, 6 or 7 complete the Allwell Test as part of their Orientation. The Allwell Test is an academic placement test designed to identify the full range of abilities of students allowing us to formulate individual plans for all students. Students who perform well in this test, in conjunction with exceptional past reports and/or other independent testing may be offered placement in the Aquinas stream in their grade.
Students in the Aquinas program complete the core curriculum in a condensed form allowing time for extension and enrichment activities. Higher-order learning is utilised to challenge and meet the needs of students. Students who are identified as academically gifted also are involved in a range of co-curricular activities such as the Ethics Olympiad and ECHO.
Students already studying at CBHS Lewisham may also be admitted to the Aquinas stream based on their performance the year prior.
CBHS Lewisham also offers a bursary to senior students who wish to join our program who could not normally afford full tuition fees.
If you wish for your child to be considered for the Aquinas stream and have not yet put forward an expression of interest please do so here