
At Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham, we provide an inclusive education combining spiritual growth, academic pursuits and co-curricular activities. Our intake years are usually Year 5 and Year 7, however, we welcome applications for other years, subject to availability.


Mid Year Applications 

Applications for 2024 are subject to space and will be based off the effort and application shown in his Semester 2, 2023 report, please submit an expression of interest here where you will be asked to upload his report. 

Enrolments for 2025, 2026 & 2027

Applications for 2025, 2026 & 2027 are currently open and will close on Friday, 26 April. Applications received by Friday, 26 April be interviewed in Week 3, Term 2 with offers being sent by the end of Term 2.


Please note that we expect that the interviews in Term 2 will fill the few remaining places for the 2025 cohort.


Year 5 – Applications open please submit an expression of interest here

Year 6 – Applications open please submit an expression of interest here

Year 7 – Applications are open please submit an expression of interest here

All other years  – Applications are limited and based on subject selection please submit an expression of interest here


Once we have received your Expression of Interest, you will be asked to complete an online enrolment form and provide documentation, including your son’s birth certificate, latest school report, NAPLAN results and immunisation record. Once we have received this information, an interview will be arranged. The enrolment outcome will then be communicated to families, with successful applicants being sent an Offer of Enrolment.

Enrolments for 2028 & Beyond…

For families looking to enrol their son in 2028 and beyond, we invite you to register your son’s details with us today via the Expression of Interest form button below. Once we have your expression of interest we can keep you up to date with information such as Open Days and when applications open for your cohort. Applications open three years prior to commencement and we will contact you at this time to start the enrolment process. This will include completing an online application form, providing documentation including school reports, NAPLAN results and a birth certificate, and attending an interview.

Our Enrolment Policy outlines the process of all enrolments into CBHS Lewisham.

Respect for Myself

As a CBHS Lewisham student. I will strive to ensure that I have Respect for Myself by always:

  • Doing my best in all my classes
  • Doing my best in all sport and extra-curricular areas
  • Taking pride in my effort and achievements
  • Taking pride in what I do and what I say
Respect for Others

As a CBHS Lewisham student, I will strive to ensure that I have Respect for Others by always:

  • Being respectful to every staff member
  • Being respectful to every student
  • Being respectful to all other members of the school community and members of the public
  • Being inclusive and never discriminating against anyone because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality, financial status or varying abilities
Respect for my School
As a CBHS Lewisham student, I will strive to ensure that I have Respect for my School by always:

  • Being grateful for the excellent environment and resources I have access to and treating them with care and respect
  • Taking care when using school resources
  • Wearing the school uniform with pride, ensuring my personal appearance and grooming are of a high standard
  • Acting in an appropriate manner on my way to and from school
  • Ensuring my actions at all times contribute to the positive reputation of the school