Justice and Peace
CBHS aims to provide each boy with a sense of their place in the wider community. The Edmund Rice tradition inspires us to seek to offer hope to a world where the dignity of humanity and the beauty of creation is often devalued. The students and staff at Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham are offered opportunities to play an integral role within the wider community addressing justice issues and assisting the disadvantaged.
Our Primary students are involved in packing snack packs and preparing sandwiches for St Vincent de Paul, collecting goods and preparing hampers for the elderly and whole of school activities such as Project Compassion. Our High School students volunteer their time at Matthew Talbot, Tierney House and Cairnsfoot School and facilitate the School’s participation in events like St Vincent de Paul’s Christmas and Winter Appeals. Our senior students are also encouraged to support causes close to their hearts and guided on how to do this effectively.
CBHS integrates justice and peace literacy into our learning programs so that they may be empowering, rigorous and an authentic reflection of the EREA Touchstones in an age appropriate manner.
I believe that at Lewisham, education is not only defined by your academic success, but by the way you choose to model your life as a leader for change in our community.
Matthew Tropea, CBHS Lewisham Dux of School 2018
Immersions and Other Community Engagement Opportunities
CBHS encourages our students to see themselves as part of a vibrant, diverse and caring community. We regularly invite our school community of parents, grandparents, neighbours and supporters to school events like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Mass and our P&F Social Soiree.
The P&F Association at CBHS has a long tradition of holding events that build community, including a morning tea for our Year 5 & 7 families on the first day of school and a cocktail evening during Term 1 for all our parents and carers to come and meet our teachers and other CBHS families.
The P&F Association at CBHS is not about fundraising, but about facilitating community events that engage all stakeholders.