Support from the Waterford Learning Centre

The Waterford Learning Centre is more than just a library. We develop students as readers and as information literate, digital citizens as well as preparing them for life beyond school.

Engaging students in our literary culture and sharing our enthusiasm for reading is core to our mission. We provide a wide selection of quality literature and high interest non-fiction in both print and digital formats, including a large collection of Manga and other graphic novels.

Boys in Years 5 to 7 participate in the well-regarded Accelerated Reader Program, which motivates reading practice through differentiated goals, and provides assessment through quizzes.

Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to enjoy presentations by visiting authors, workshops (including cyber-safety and science experiments), as well as Book Week celebrations and activities.

Students in Years 5, 6 and 7 come to the Waterford Learning Centre for one hour each week. Library lessons are structured to extend classroom studies, with an emphasis on developing skills in information literacy. Reading literacy is also promoted through our reading programs and encouraging boys to share opinions on the books they are reading.

Students from Years 8 to 10 have the opportunity to participate in a reading challenge called Book Bingo. The bingo card is made up of squares for free choice titles as well as various other categories of reading. There is also a Book Club for Years 9 -12, which meet regularly to discuss novels. Our Book Club hosts combined meetings with Domremy College, Five Dock twice a year.

The teacher librarians continue to foster professional relationships with teachers across all key learning areas in order to promote meaningful tasks that develop students as collaborators, creators, problem-solvers and critical thinkers.

We prepare Year 10 students for the academic rigours of senior study by facilitating the HSC: All My Own Work program. This program ensures all boys are aware of the principles and practices of good scholarship. This includes understanding and valuing ethical practices when locating and using information as part of their HSC studies.


Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.

Kofi Annan