CBHS House System

The House System is a vertically integrated method of increasing awareness of each student’s part in the history of the school; their connectedness with significant role models from our long and inspiring history; their active and integral part in the life of the school, as well as their responsibilities and connectedness not only to their immediate peer group but also to those older and younger members of the school community.

All students enrolling at CBHS Lewisham will be placed into their house upon enrolment. They will remain a member of this house for the entire duration of their education at the school. Staff will also be designated a house on employment and every attempt will be made to keep the staff member in that house for the duration of their time at CBHS Lewisham. Having staff in the same house builds awareness of a house/family type environment and enhances positive relationships between staff and students within each house.

Each of the eight houses constitutes the primary group for sporting and cultural activities as well as providing a student focus for pastoral care and student welfare programs.

In fostering house identity and spirit we:

  • Channel energy into a positive contribution to the school spirit and tone
  • Encourage increased participation in the academic programs as well as the wide range of activities, both within and outside the school
  • Allow students to achieve their potential
  • Allow for increased and more effective communication of routines, expectations and delivery of achievements throughout the school
  • Foster leadership through active delegation of responsibility within the house
  • Assist in the resolution of conflict and distress that occurs when boys interact with fellow students, staff, parents and other members of the community during their process of maturation

Each academic year the eight houses of the Christian Brothers’ High School Community battle it out for one of the most elusive trophies in the school – the Br Bernie Gartland Cup which is decided based on points awarded for academic achievement, social justice and sporting endeavours.

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.

Helen Keller